Caleb’s Dollar Ministry
One of the greatest challenges we have in Foreign Missions is to try to find a way to provide food for the children in our schools in Haiti, Liberia, Guinea, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, and our Children’s Home and schools in India and the Philippines, without taking away from our regular budget. I know there are two things that grip people’s hearts more than anything else, the need for food and water. We have been reluctant to promote this, for if funds are diverted from regular giving toward these needs, then the spreading of the Gospel and the support of our workers would greatly suffer. We, therefore, ask our churches, adults, and youth to seriously consider helping us provide these funds, above and beyond regular support for Foreign Missions.
Caleb’s Dollar Ministry came from Bro. Darlington Gnininte when he visited here in 2010. He had the opportunity to spend some time with Caleb Branch, son of Chuck and Misty Branch, at the home of his grandparents, Harold and Sandra Jones. They became good friends. Before Bro. Gnininte left to return to Liberia, Caleb gave him a dollar bill as a gift. That dollar was a precious gift regardless of the size. It is the heart that weighs more. This dollar was kept and taken back to Liberia and was used to help a kid that did not have a notebook for school. While traveling to Guinea to visit the work there, the Lord impressed Bro. Gnininte to launch Caleb’s Dollar Ministry. The idea of this ministry is where ANYONE can donate a gift of any size to help a kid in need. This program has now started with biscuits being provided for kids during Sunday school class. With just a dollar gift, meals can be provided for kids who seldom eat, have a single meal or nothing at all, in a day. With a dollar gift a toy, a notebook, or a t-shirt can be bought for a kid.
We can provide one meal for one child per day for 10 cents in Haiti, Liberia, Guinea, Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines. It will be slightly more in Bulgaria.
- We have 365 children in our schools in Liberia. To provide 365 children 1 meal a day, 5 days a week will cost $36.50 a day, $182.50 per week, $730 per month, which equals $7,300 per year. This amount of money will provide 73,000 meals. (This is figured on a 40 week school year.)
- In Haiti, with 100 children, will cost $10 a day, $50 a week, $200 per month which equals $2,000 for the school year. This will provide 20,000 meals for one school year.
Our workers on the fields will purchase the food, consisting of rice, beans, and dahl from local merchants and prepare the food on site. You can provide a large number of meals from a sack of rice and beans. This would be an on-going program and would need continuous support. We sincerely hope everyone will read this with a heart of compassion and help us meet these needs without diverting regular support from Foreign Missions.