Every Sunday afternoon, we conduct our feeding program. The Lord impressed upon us start this minis-try in this area, because of the great need. We enjoy doing this even though we do not have very much, because our desire is to glorify His Name. We believe we should share what we have with others, especially the children. We learned that if we do these things there is joy in our hearts, and it gives us the strength and courage to con-tinue. We always teach them a Bible story. The most enjoyable moment for us is when the children are able to repeat the story. This is proof for us that they understood His Word. As we meet their physical needs, we can also share with them about the love of Jesus. (By Pastor Renato and Kan Pacudan
JULY 12-26, 2014
We spent 2 very fruitful weeks in Mexico this summer. The first team worked in Rosita and Sabinas. This team conducted VBS and Women’s Bible studies each day, plus added a new room onto a house for a very thankful family. This dear couple was married for 18 years and prayed continuously for a child. God answered their prayer with a fine son, Daniel. They were living in a two room adobe. It only had a kitchen and 1 bedroom. There was no way they could ever afford to enlarge their house. They wanted Daniel to have a room of his own, after sharing the room with them for 8 years. The team constructed a large room that includes the living room, dining room, and kitchen. It was our joy to be able to provide this for this dear family. There were tears of joy on the day that we presented them the keys to the new addition.
The second team worked in Monclova. The project was to expand the church building. The name of this church is Upper Room FWB Church. The name fully describes the church. It is located on the second floor. This church has grown greatly over the past few years and needed more room. This was the most dangerous job we have ever done because of the height of the building and the open space below where we were working, as you can see from the picture below. The Lord protected everyone, and we praise Him.
This team also conducted VBS and Women’s Bible studies, that brought great blessings to the children and women of the church and community. Only in eternity will we know the full impact of these 2 weeks. May God be gloried in all that was accomplished. To God be the glory!
We know that you are deeply concerned about the Ebola outbreak in Liberia and Guinea, and the affect it is having on the Free Will Baptists work and our people in these countries. Bro. Gnininte recently reported that none of our members have at this point been affected by this virus. They are, however, very concerned about this serious situation. Please hold the people of these countries up in prayer.