By Rev. Darlington Gnininte
We are thankful to God for the month of March, for His continuous blessings upon our lives, most especially for His divine protection. It has been estimated that more than 4,000 people lost their lives in Liberia alone to Ebola, most of whom were our friends, neighbors, and other community members. Even churches were deeply affected whereby one church lost their pastor and his entire family just in a week. May their souls and that of all faithful departed rest in perfect peace. We are thankful to say that we did not lose any of our church family.
Ebola is to us like a second civil war, guns are not sounding any longer, but it has claimed many lives, affected the national economy, and has in-creased poverty, unemployment, businesses collapsed, and rendered many children orphans.
Schools have resumed, but many kids are still out of school, because their parents cannot afford to even buy books, or mentioning uniforms for school. But we are thankful to the Caleb’s Dollar Ministry which has enable many less fortunate kids to be in school at our various campuses and receive one hot meal each day. In all of these things, we are thankful for His provision.
In the month of March, due to the effect of the Ebola virus, our annual conference was suspended. However, a leadership seminar was conducted for our church leaders across the country. This ended with a revival which lasted for a week. The program consisted of 11 different speakers and preachers coming to im-pact the life, and ministry of our pastors. This leader-ship seminar has been an uncommon, unusual one. It greatly impacted the lives of our leaders as they testi-fied themselves about how this event has been a great blessing to them. And that they are going back to their various congregations with a renewed mind, and re-freshed spirit to do God’s work. The revival also saw many coming and giving their lives to the Lord, as some were delivered from satanic possession, and also some were healed. Continue to pray for us as we strive to equip ourselves to be better leaders of our congrega-tions, and to make Christ known in Liberia.