The past few months have been full of blessings from the Lord. I am convinced these blessings are an answer to our prayers and your sacri-ficial support. Please continue to pray for Bulgaria. For Resurrection Day we printed invitations for the parents of the children. Many came and were touched by the suffering of Jesus. With some of them we shared the basic work on faith.
Every week I visit the Gypsy camp and speak with the people. They have all kinds of problems, from drug addict children to those who want to continue their education. In the month of March, we helped a 19 years old, boy. Alben, to be accepted in a clinic for addicted pa-tients. The church helped him with admission documents, as well as clothes and shoes. His mother Nejvan regularly comes to church during winter. At first, she was ashamed to share what was going on at home. Her son was beating her, his father, and his younger sister. We prayed together for three months and the Lord showed us a way out. Now she works at a fish company in Kavarna, and she joins us once a month. She said to me, “Praise the Lord for my boy is saved. He is doing normal. He is not aggressive, and I praise the Lord.” I told her that her boy will be truly saved when he accepts Jesus. Only then the healing of body and spirit will be complete. Alben will be out of the clinic the end of Sep-tember. He told his mother that when out of the clinic he will volunteer in the church and witness the love and care of God. Please pray for this child of God.
Demir’s Journey

In former articles I shared the story of Demir. He was in an accident 5 years ago and as a result he is not able to walk. He is a Turkish man, with clear understanding about Allah and the Quran. I visit him regularly and we speak about God, and Jesus, and having faith. Demir needed an urgent surgery. His legs were infected. I visited him several times during his stay in the hospital, and we prayed together. The doctors told him that he will not be able to walk until September, when a second surgery will be needed. But the Lord Jesus had something else in mind. After the hospital, he began to move his legs from the knee down. We were amazed! Demir said, “I believe that the Lord is helping me, and I want to try to go with my wheelchair to the car and drive it.” His wife and son were scared, but I told him that if something goes very wrong, I will drive him to the hospital. And we did it. The people in the camp are wondering what happened with Demir! He tells everybody, “I believe, and the Lord helps me.” Demir comes to church and we continue our talks and prayers. Please pray for Demir and his family. The Lord is doing miracles in this family.
The Bible Club
The Bible Club meetings with children and youth are also blessed. Dur-ing the cold winter days many of them were without coats and gloves. Thanks to your sacrificial giving, we were able to help 37 children and 15 youth with warm gloves. School is finished for some of them and we can do more activities together and have fellowship. Please pray also for the Alpha Course which we started four weeks ago, that the Lord may bless this labor.
The very first children of the Bible Club (1993-1995) are not in Bulgaria. Some are in Poland, others in France, Germany, and England. We keep in touch and pray together by ‘What’s Up’’ and ‘Vibor’. All of them have a regular job and good families. They help each other. Of-ten, they remember the small classroom where we gathered. They al-ways share if it was not for the Bible Club where they learned how to behave, how to read and write, how to pray and know God, they would haven ended up in prison as criminals. I thank God for these encourag-ing words. Our labour has not been in vain.
Dear brothers and sisters may the Lord bless you and keep you in His love and care, because of your sacrificial giving and prayers, we are able to witness the Kingdom of God. Paul is one of my favourite apostles, and I always remember His words: “For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s” Romans 14:8.