For a long time the church members at Mangingisda First Free Will Baptist Church have dreamed of having a deep well, with a pump as a source of water. This is very necessary to use in our comfort rooms and for watering the plants and flowers on the church grounds. By God’s grace He answered our prayers and our dream came true. We are so thankful and appreciate the goodness and blessings of God (Philippians 4:19) and for our loving missionaries Sir Harold and Ma’am Sandra Jones, also for the donors of these funds for the said pump. May the Lord give you a long life and bless your family as you continue to help those who are needy.
We always enjoy visiting our Brothers and Sisters in Christ, to encourage and pray with them. We recently worshipped the Lord at Amas First Free Will Baptist Church together with our Amessian tribes Brothers and Sisters. We were so blessed to see their sincere heart to worship the Lord by listening to the Word of God, through Pastor Mark Taladro. After worship they prepared a simple lunch for us. We had a wonderful time of food and fellowship.
On our way back to Puerto, we passed by the Balacan Fiirst Free Will Baptist Church at Brookes Point Palawan, with Pastor Alvin and Sister Leila Dagot. We shared some of our experiences in ministry during our short visit. Thank God for the time we had to meet some of our pastors and Brothers and Sisters in the Lord. To God be the glory!
The Mangingisda FFWB Church is very thankful for the recent Baptismal Ceremony at Balsahan Falls. Everyone was so excited to participate in this event. There were 13 candidates for baptism on that wonderful day. We are thankful for all that the Lord is doing in the ministry at Mangingisda. As their pastor, I am thankful for those who have committed their life to the Lord. We ask everyone to please pray for the newly baptized that they will continue serving the Lord with full submission to God’s will. GOD BLESS US ALL!