Cebu, Philippines
It was a perfect day to conduct our Youth Jam and welcome newly confirmed Christians to the circle of youth. We thought that it was going to be a rainy Sunday because of the weather, but were blessed because by the time we arrived at Naga Free Will Baptist Church, the sun came out. Everyone was happy and excited for what our Youth Jam will bring to us. We started the program with an opening prayer led by Pastor Nonoy Medina, followed by Praise and Worship leaded by the Naga Music Team . To make our Youth Jam discussion more inter-active, our motivated speaker shared Godly words and deeds about our topic “Pursue Jesus!” This topic high-lighted and pointed out about faithfulness. This helps us to make good choices. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for Him. Don’t become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it with-out even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what He wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you. After the Word, we blessed the food we shared. We had some team building games and enjoyed helping each other to win for the glory of God. Before the activity ended, Pastor Arnel Pañares lead a revival worship, followed by a closing prayer. After the program we joined hands to clean up the worship hall. This was followed by we a short meeting exclusively with youth leaders and officers; for our upcoming Youth Retreat this December. Thank God we finished the meeting successfully. All praise and adoration belong to GOD alone!!!
Palawan, Philippines
The First Free Will Baptist Christian School held this year’s Scout Camp at the school playground on September 19-20. There were 37 campers generating excitement on the campus. The Camp theme for Girl Scouts was “Future Leaders: Prepared to Lead”. The theme for Boy Scouts was “Commitment to Excellence”. The Camp had a colorful opening day as scouts donned their green uniforms. Campers were divided into troops for better communication and coordination. Tents were set up by the campers themselves, although most of them slept inside the classrooms at night. Each Team practiced their chant and dance while the lecture on the history of scouting was given later in the afternoon. Other activities were knot tying, first-aid, team building exercises, obstacle course and treasure hunting. A bonfire capped the evening. Awards for Best Scouts, Leadership, and Fun Scouts were given. It was a wonderful time of fellowship.
Jesus introduced water baptism in connection with His Great Commission. He said that new believers were to be baptized in the name of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The First Free Will Baptist Church believes Jesus meant this to be a permanent practice of the Church. Our church encourages water baptism because it unites believers with Jesus Christ, their death to sin, and their resurrection to new life. Baptism symbolizes submission to Christ, and a willingness to live God’s way and be identified as God’s covenant people. Thank you, Lord, for the 17 young people who gave their lives in obedience to God’s Great Commission of water baptism. Our pastor, the Rev. Alvin Dagot, officiated the service September 29, 2019. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!