We give God the glory for all He has done, is doing, and will do for us all. We want to take this time to thank you for your generous support throughout this global pandemic period. Your support gave hope to many here in Africa. With the total lockdown, many families who lived on daily hustle were mostly affected as they couldn’t go out to find food for their families. With your support of rice donation, we were able to distribute rice to several most affected areas. This gave hope to many. They are grateful for your care, and generosity. We also want to thank you for your support for the purchase of mosquito nets. This is the period of heavy rainfall in Liberia which last almost 6 months. This is the time for breeding of mosquitoes as well. There is an increase of mosquitoes and so is the rate of malaria infection as well as death, most especially among kids. Malaria every year kills more kids in Africa worse than the effect of Ebola and COVID-19 combine. In Liberia alone, more than 1,000 kids lose their lives to malaria every year. The sad part is the more efficient medicine for malaria in Liberia cost at least $5. But imagine one being infected several times in a week or month? For most people who live on less than a $1 a day, they wouldn’t be able to afford buying this medication. On the other end, mosquito nets are meant for prevention of malaria, but how many can afford one? The cheapest nest is $10, which is meant for at the most two persons sleeping on a bed, which is not the case with Liberia. One can find a cluster of people on a single bed. Sometimes 3, 4 or even five on a bed that was meant to contain just 1 person. This simply means that one can still suffer from malaria, because if the bed is congested that means others will sleep at the end of the net, that’s even the worst as mosquitoes will have a good chance of biting you continuously throughout the night. Therefore, the biggest net approved by the world health bodies is the special treated mosquito net which is also a bigger one that can contain a family size bed which is able to host up to 4 or 5 persons. This is the one we have acquired and distributed to several of our churches during this rainy season. One could see the excitement on their faces as they received the donations. Thank you so much for your support in fighting malaria. Thank you for your prayers and support.
-Rev. Darlington Gnininte