During the last years our Convention in Mexico, has suffered the need for new pastors and leaders to help with the continuation of the work of the Lord. Coupled with that, most of our pastors have entered an age when, by nature, and health is not entirely favorable. During the last years efforts have been made, sometimes at a local level and sometimes as a Convention, to remedy this matter. We have sent a good number of young people
to study in different seminaries, but unfortunately the results have not been as expected. Last June during our bi-monthly meeting of pastors I explained this need, not only for new workers, but also the need to open a Bible school where we ourselves, using the people and resources we have, with the help of our Lord Jesus Christ, let’s teach and prepare those new leaders. After last September, it seemed good to the pastors’ meeting, to name our brother David and his wife Elizabeth Arebalo as coordinators of this Bible school. Without a doubt, there have been months of much prayer and at the same time of preparation for the opening of this Our Original Free Will Baptist Biblical School. On the realization of this first semester we have the help of: Sister Elizabet Arevalo, Sister Raquel Aguero, Bro. David Arevalo, Bro. Antonio Escobar, Bro. Eliseo Rodriguez, and Bro. Everardo Martinez, who will be working as teachers. The Bible school will be initiated in the facilities of the Emanuel El Salvador Temple. We know that our God will supply what is lacking, according to His riches in glory. The last month of December we established a date of opening of the Bible School on March 17. During the celebration of our Annual Convention of Free Will Baptists on March 10 the staff that will be working in this
first period was introduced, as well as some students who will start this Bible School. We ask for your prayers for this project and for each one of the Brothers and Sisters who will participate.