Wintertime is approaching in Bulgaria. Some years it begins to snow in the latter part of September. Last year the Vacation Bible School offerings were used to help feed the Gypsy people during the cold winter months. Stocks of beans were purchased in September and used throughout the winter. The beans were cooked with rice and slices of sausage, to provide a hardy meal. Meals were provided at the church building in Varna and also at the Gypsy camps around the city. Food was also provided in Balchik.
This year we hope to provide as much food as we did last year, even though part of the funds raised for Vacation Bible School will be used to purchase mosquito nets in India, Bangladesh, Liberia, Guinea, Haiti, and the Philippines. Both of these needs are great. It is hard to minister the Gospel message to someone who is hungry unless you feed them, and it’s the same for those affected with malaria. Both hunger and malaria claim thousands of lives each year. We are thankful for the many children and adults who accepted this project for their Vacation Bible School this summer. You will bless the lives of many people.
Through our general fund, we provide daily food for 70 lepers who live in the Leprosy Home in India. We also feed the 80 children in our Children’s Home in India three meals a day, which adds up to an astounding number of 6,720 meals per month. There is also a Children’s Home in the Philippines with 16 children who are feed 3 meals a day throughout the year. In addition to this, we have other feeding programs in the Philippines, Liberia, and Bangladesh.
We want to provide food for the children who attend our Christian Schools in Haiti and Liberia. There are 100 students in the school in Haiti. In Liberia, we have 325 students in our Christian Schools. Please join us in prayer as we seek ways to provide these meals. We are still trying to determine the cost of the meals in Haiti. Our hope is to be able to provide one meal a day. Many come to school hungry and it is difficult to teach a hungry child. We send the funds to the fields and they purchase rice, beans, dal, etc., from local markets and serve it to the people. This enables our evangelistic effort. While we share physical food with the people, our workers also share about the “Bread of Life”, the Lord Jesus Christ.
When you give to Foreign Missions you are ministering to many people around the world who would suffer greatly if you did not care and help. On behalf of all those you have blessed, I say “Thank You.”