The Lord Jesus always reminds us in His Words in Luke 18:16,
“…Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not:
for of such is the kingdom of God.”
The First Free Will Baptist Church Manila holds Daily Vacation Bible School every year
and this year it was held May 2–5, 2017. The children were
taught the Word of God by giving examples from the Bible
characters like Elijah, Noah, Zacchaeus, and other servants
of God that He used to communicate and reveal His will to
mankind. This reminded the little ones the importance of
talking or communicating with God in their lives through
prayers, listening or reading His Words, and praising Him. On
the third day of our DVBS class, Our Beloved Missionaries,
Rev. Harold Jones, Maám Sandra Jones, and Sir Chris
Singleton arrived from Puerto Princesa City, Palawan. They
would leave the Philippines the next day but passed by to visit
the ministry of the Lord here in Caloocan. We praise God for
His wonderful blessings for the safe trip of our missionaries
and for the success of all the activities of God here in the
Philippines. We’re so much thankful to God for their lives how
they serve God fully and we saw their dedication. Praise God!
We are praying that God will continue to bless His servants to
carry His Message and do the task for His glory. Prayer is the
best weapon that binds us together, although we are far from
each other. God’s hand and His love is so near to bless and
bind each of us. Pray for us always. God Bless everyone.