We want to thank the Almighty God for His wonderful and bountiful blessings in the life of our churches here in Africa. In spite of the Ebola outbreak, the Lord is protecting and blessing us. To Him be all the glory and honor. A Special Thanks to all our brethren around the world who are continuously keeping Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea in their prayers. Indeed, your prayers are the ones keeping us safe and in good health. Just this month we were blessed to receive from OFWB International some special designed containers used in the prevention of Ebola. And these containers have been distributed to some of our churches, while we are expecting additional ones to send to the other churches. The areas that are at high risk are the ones we served first. while the other places will receive later, as funding is available. In this picture Rev. Gnininte is demonstrating how buck-ets containing chlorine and disinfectant will be used at every church door post.
The Habitation of Faith, which is now the OFWBI Liberia Mission Headquarters, celebrated her 2nd Anniver-sary from November 20-23. The Theme was “This far By Christ”. The youth presented a special program where some youths were honored for their dedication and commitment towards church support. The Music Depart-ment/Choir also presented a special musical concert which included various church choirs in the program. It was also an initiative of the Music Department to raise fund to purchase some microphones and other electron-ics. The Anniversary also saw new converts coming to Christ and later baptized.
Two days of seminars were held to teach the OFWB Doctrines and the local church bylaws. Also, in the pro-gram, our members took on the principal street of Paynesville and marched across the city, letting people know how God has been a blessing to us. At the same time, it was an effort to bring awareness and publicity of the church. Special designed t-shirts and caps were made to enhance the uniqueness of the program. The program climaxed on November 23, with Rev. Darlington Gnininte delivering the Anniversary Sermon. The Theme was, ”By His Strength, We Can Do More”, using Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ which strength-eneth me. “ This was a special candle light service.
We just received a special message from our Agriculture project/farm; the rice is ready for the harvest. We are, therefore, in need of a quick impact warehouse which will store the harvest. I am preparing myself to be there by next week to officially launch the Harvest of the Farm. The government has congratulated us for this project which has helped many farmers in that area. In fact, a journalist will be sent along with us from the gov-ernment’s national radio and television station to air the launch of the Harvest. This is great news for our church. Thanks to the power tiller, and all those who supported this initiative. We are hoping to engage more land beginning January to start a new phase of farming. Please continue to pray for this ministry.