The production of the Telethon material begins with an idea for a theme the year before the next Telethon. After I settle on a theme, the bulletins, inserts, and posters, have to be thought through and written. Sandra works hard on selecting the pictures to be used. After this, she enters all the information into the computer and sends it to Jerry Goff at the Free Will Baptist Press. He designs everything from the rough draft he receives. Ronnie Jones and Jerry handle the printing and cutting process. I then spend a couple of days, dividing the material into 50’s, 75’s, 100’s, etc. For this I use a low-tech device called a “divider spoon,” to count out the different numbers. Sandra prepares the mailing labels and envelopes, along with the number for each church. Then we package the materials, which can be done in one full day. Postage is added and then it is mailed to each church in our denomination. This is basically the process we have followed for 33 years, since Sandra and I began our work with the Board of Foreign Missions in November 1981. This material has been printed at the Free Will Baptist Press in Ayden all these years. Jerry and Ronnie have had a part in its production each year. It has been a rewarding and gratifying privilege to share this material with you each year and see how churches and individuals have responded. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for all you have given over the years to Foreign Missions through the Telethon. Harold Jones, Executive Director