I am pleased to report that The House of Prayer in Balchik, Bulgaria, which was Willem’s dream, has been dedicated to the service of the Lord. We praise the Lord for this wonderful blessing! I am sorry that Willem was not able to experience this joyful day. (Lydia was in attendance, but due to Alzheimer’s did not comprehend the importance of the day. This made our hearts sad.)
The Dedication Service was held on September 13, with songs of praise and testimonies of God’s goodness for providing such a fine building. Thanksgiving was offered to God and to those faithful individuals, churches, and auxiliaries who made this building possible. A group of 10 from North Carolina traveled to Bulgaria for this wonderful occasion. Those who made the trip were: Sandra, and Harold Jones, Stearle and May Pittman, Carolyn and Lee Jernigan, John Hill, Linda Jackson, Brenda Tyndall, and Elaine Register. (We are considering offering another trip in September 2016, for others who are interested in seeing the building and observing the ministry that takes place there. It would be limited to 10 people.)
The building will be used for a variety of ministries such as, children’s ministry, feeding programs, education, seminars, ministry to the handicapped and needy. It will be open in time of natural disaster, to offer shelter and aid to those affected. We envision a building filled with activity, similar to the building that was constructed in Varna several years ago. The Board of Foreign Missions is extremely grateful to every church, individual, and auxiliary that gave to make this possible. God bless you many times over for your faithful support to this ministry.