The heads of various OFWB Schools met to discuss successes, achievements, and difficulties faced during the course of the academic year. They also came with words of gratitude from the students, parents, and staff for the regular support through Caleb’s Dollar Ministry that led to a successful year. Difficulties faced range from expansion, renovation, and procurement of chairs and benches to accommodate the number of students enrolled at our schools.
Rev. Jones Africa Hope Academy
We have found a perfect spot to host the Rev. Jones Africa Hope Academy, since we have been asked to vacate the current location. We were very careful to find the perfect spot where there is a need for education. We were led to Bono-Mammy Town, Todee District. This is an area that has never had a school since its existence, neither a church as well. Residents were very glad that we heeded to their plea since a year they have cried for help. We made a short visit and accessed the needs of this community, which consist of over 15 different towns and villages. The General town chief was so excited and so was every one present. At the close of the visit, we were taken to the end of the central town, where the church was given more than 5 acres of land to be used for church and school purpose.
This is the perfect spot for the relocation of the Rev. Harold Jones
Africa Hope Academy. The sad story is many women ranging in ages 35-45, told us with tears in their eyes, that this is like a dream to all of us. Look at us, and see how beautiful we are, but no education even though we are adults. And then our children also are without education. We thank God for sending you to our cry and rescue. We are so excited that we are again making history in the lives of these people, and that through Caleb’s Dollar Ministry, for the very first time since 1822 when Liberia was founded, this community is going to receive a school and church and subsequently a well since the locals depend on creek water for drinking.
We are temporarily starting with bamboo and sticks for the building and using tin roof for the covering. The locals themselves are involved in their own development by providing bamboo and sticks, as well as the construction of the building. What we will provide for them is a tin roof, cement for the floor, nails, and chalk boards for the students. (This school has opened and will be temporarily hosted at the town square until the building is com-
pleted.) Glory to God!
Work going on at King’s College
The Habitation of Faith, King’s College, is also undergoing expansion, as we are trying to complete the new building. Additional 6 classes as well as a library and bathrooms are also being built. What is needed to start
the year is tin roof, cement, and chalk boards. We give God the praise for all He is doing through OFWB International and Caleb’s Dollar Ministry for the impact they have in the lives of the future of this nation. AMEN!
The Frankie Baggett Elementary School in Greenville, Sinoe County, has experienced an influx of students. The mud and sticks have been removed and replaced with guarantee walls to host these students. What is needed is ce-
ment and tin roof. (Funds were sent in September for this.)