December 2018
Dear Friends,
The month of December is a time of celebration and giving. During this month we celebrate the greatest gift ever given to mankind, through the birth of the Christ Child. He is the Messiah who lived a perfect life and died for our sins. This is pure grace. Joy is in the air and expressed by Christians around the globe. He instructed us to take His Message of love and redemption to all people. He gave and we must give of ourselves, our service, and our resources to make Him known around the world.
The month of December is Foreign Missions Month. We sincerely ask you to consider a gift to Foreign Missions this month. We need a strong response during December or we will have difficulty meeting the needs of our fields in January and February. Please make this a matter of concerned prayer as you plan your giving in December.
Thank you for praying and sharing as we rejoice in the wonderful birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
With the love and joy of Christ,