By Rev. Darlington Gnininte
We give God the glory for all that He is has done, and is doing in the mission in Africa. We also want to take this time to thank everyone who has supported the mission since its inception until now. May the Lord almighty continue to bless you abundantly.
In March of this year, we celebrated our 10th Anniversary as Original Free Will Baptists Liberia. It was such a great blessing as our church leaders and leaders came from across the country. We had wonderful and awesome services during the week-long event. The theme for the conference was “ Elevation by Revelation”. We stressed the need for each member of our churches to seek to have a personal knowledge of God, which is a necessity for their own spiritual growth. If anyone or a church is to experience elevation, promotion in every facet of life, he or she ought to have a personal knowledge of God.
This stressed the need for more teaching or the Word of God. Hosea 4:6 declares “My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge”. Our knowledge of God, therefore, is crucial in our Christian life.
At the end of the conference, church delegates stressed the need for more teachings through seminars. They have asked the Church in Monrovia to constantly send teachers to help in conducting seminars. They also requested for Bibles, as some members do not have Bibles to read or study. In the end, pastors also asked that there be a mobile Bible School to help them sharpen their knowledge of the Bible so as to teach their members as well.
The amazing and touching thing was listening to over 9 different ethnic groups, each praising God in their own local dialects. This makes one have a foretaste of what a glorious time it is going to be when we all gather around the throne, praising our King Jesus.
With this, indeed we can say that gradually we are achieving our objective as an Outreach church in obedience to the Great Commission of reaching out to every ethnic group.
We want to thank OFWB International, and all those who are partners in support. Without your help this would not be possible.
After the conference, we made several visits to some of our mission stations. One of which included a ground breaking for land made available of the building of their church in Todee 1. And then a visit to Rev. Harold Jones School, where we distributed anti-mosquito nets to women and children in that area. They were so excited. This is a forestry region and also a hub or breeding ground for mosquitoes. People in this area are constantly down with malaria. With the visit of Rev. Harold Jones, he saw the need to provide nets for these people. Thanks to his farsightedness and leadership ability. We provided 150 mosquito nets during our visit there. Thanks for your support. We celebrated the Holy Week with a 3 night revival and prayer service. We concluded on Resurrection Sunday. On Good Friday, members were dressed in red, on Saturday dressed in black, and on Sunday Morning they were all dressed in white. We had washing of the saint’s feet as well as communion services throughout our churches.