Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ,
Our dear Lord has been blessing us richly this past summer. As Apostle Paul says, we should sow generously, to reap generously. As it often happens, one generation sows and another one reaps, yet we pray that all our labour and efforts, are for the Kingdom of God to come. I praise the Lord, for the way He blessed Robert, a 24 years old young man. He used to be one of the kids in the Bible Club. As most of these kids, he too migrated to UK, for a better life. One morning he had a terrible pain in his legs and could not walk. He had a severe condition, blood clothes in his veins. He had to come back to Bulgaria for a surgery. In May he had two surgeries in Varna, and in June one in Ruse. Amputation was the only solution doctors said. I went to visit him, and we prayed together for the Lord to help. In one week, he got another surgery in Turkey, and the Lord truly blessed Robert. I visited him many times to pray together with him and his wife, and brought him a wheelchair, which we had in the church. His leg was saved. He comes to the Alpha Course, which we held every Saturday in the church Balchik, with his wife Sibel. Pray with us for this young family to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour. Our children meetings we held three times per week and its wonderful to see the love, God has placed in these small harts. With them we are studying the Children’s’ Bible along with a catechesis for children. They are really exited to answer every question correctly. The Alpha Course we have since March 2019. This course is a wonderful way to teach basic Christianity to Moslems. Pray for us, that we sow generously, and those who hear the Word of God, will in their turn sow too, for His Kingdom. The church in Balchik received a donation from the Technical University of Skalda, Holland. We will have, with the Lords
blessing, a playground with some benches in the yard of the church. The materials came with two buses, some weeks ago. The building of the playground will be done after four or six weeks, when other volunteers will come. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, all this could not be possible without your prayers and sacrificial gifts to Foreign Missions. We thank the Lord for all of you and pray, that together we may sow richly, for His Kingdom to come.