We give God Almighty the glory for His continuous blessings and grace upon us and the Original Free Will Baptist Mission work around the world. We are grateful to brothers and sisters in the United States who continue to pray and support us. The testimonies of 2019 would not have been possible without you. As we are entering 2020, we pray God will continue to bless and empower you as you constantly pray and support the churches in Africa.
In the month of December, we organized a Five-Day Revival and Prayer Service which ended on December 22. All of our Original Free Will Baptist churches and schools assembled at various locations for a thanksgiving and prayer service.
The churches and schools in the Monrovia area, assembled at the Habitation of Faith OFWB Church, where the services were held. A special prayer session was held, during which time, several of our members were selected to pray for many prayer points including:
• Special prayer for our International Mission Director Rev. Harold Jones and his wife, Sandra
• OFWBI and Missions around the world
• Caleb’s Dollar Ministry
• The United States
• Israel
• Liberia own nation’s peace
• Our churches and schools in Liberia and Guinea
Members also took the time to thank the Almighty God for His grace upon us and His continuous blessings. We also took the time to pray for all those partnering with us by supporting the Caleb’s Dollar Ministry in helping less fortunate kids around the world. May the Lord richly bless you.
Also on Christmas day, the kid’s department organized a party for the kids at the Habitation of Faith OFWB Church. Kids were dressed up in all white with their red Christmas hats. They performed songs, recitations, Bible verses, preaching among other things. It was a unique occasion. Some of them were honored for their regular attendance during Sunday school and some for their performances. Harold Gnininte, my son, was also among those honored.
Please continue to pray for Guinea that we can soon transform their main worship center. Pray also for the work in Liberia, that God will be glorified in all that we do. May the New Year bring you love, joy, peace, and hope that only Jesus can give.