The members of Ipilan First Free Will Baptist Church were fervently praying to have a concrete church building for everyone to feel comfortable and to have enough space for church activities. Thus, we conducted an urgent meeting regarding the plan of putting up the said building at Ipilan, Narra, Palawan.
Fortunately, everyone responded positively and was very much willing to donate their pledges and faith promises to support the financial budget saved for the said project. But due to inadequate fund, it is only about 50% accomplished thus, the materials for the completion of the building were very much needed.
On April 13, 2019 God answered our prayers since Rev. Harold Jones, Ma’am Sandra Jones, and Rev. Taladro, along with his wife Merly, visited our church, and was touched with the dedication, determination and commitment of the church members to finish the concrete church building. He promised to help us and encouraged us to make a request letter for financial assistance to complete this project. After months of waiting and praying, the additional funds from Rev. Harold Jones and Ma’am Sandra Jones came. We were able to procure some of the needed
materials for the completion of whole concrete building. We were able to concretize its floors, finish the walls, provide electrical wiring, and painting, etc.
By the grace of God, we were able to use the new church comfortably. Last November 10, 2019 we held our Church Blessings and Thanksgiving.
In addition, last February 22, 2020 this church was the host of Discipleship Continuing Education Program (DCEP) which was attended by the pastors and church leaders of the South District of Palawan.
On behalf of all the members of Ipilan First Freewill Baptist Church, we would like to extend our deepest gratitude to our Lord Jesus Christ and also for using Rev. William Harold Jones and Ma’am Sandra Jones as instruments of blessings for our church. We will be forever grateful to this lovely couple. May the Lord bless you more abundantly.
Our next plan is to put up the ceiling of the church, but due to Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) brought by COVID-19 it was postponed.
(Note: The funds for this and other projects are made possible by the faithful support of individuals and churches throughout our denomination. God bless all of you for blessing so many people around the world.)