We give God the glory for all that He has done and continue to do. We want to take this time to thank everyone that has been and still praying for and supporting the mission field in Africa. May the Lord richly bless you and your families. Our deepest sympathy goes to the family and church of our dear brother Pastor Kosta Ivanov of Bulgaria who has gone to be with the Lord. We pray the Lord will minister peach in their hearts. Please know that we continue to pray for you each day that the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to guide and protect you and your families.
At the Habitation of Faith, We had a great time, as we had a fellowship outside of the building and later had a food outreach. Everyone in attendance had a nice meal, and we later went into the communities helping those who are in need with cooked food. Jollof rice ( rice, tomatoes, tomato paste, and onions) and chicken was the order of the day. We are grateful that we were able to help in this time of great need.
-Reverend Darlington Gnininte