We give God the glory for all that He has done and continue to do. We want to take this time to thank everyone that has been and is still praying for the mission field in Africa. May the Lord richly bless you and your families. We also want to thank you for your continuous generous financial support for the work in Africa. May our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ continue to bless you and replenish all you have given for his vineyard.
Women Empowerment Training Session The Women Empowerment Program continues to train and empower women across some of our local churches. In this picture, women are learning how to make soap. A regular soap one uses to wash clothes, etc. They will be in this training session for 3 months, after which they will have graduated and acquired life skills for self-sufficiency and empowerment. They will be able to assist their husbands and support their local churches as well. We thank you for your continuous prayers and support for this worthy cause in seeing lives transformed as a result of providing free life empowerment skills. It is our hope and prayer that we will be able to reach out to every local church to train our women in self-empowerment.
GUINEA-Pastor David and his wife Marie
Worship Service Resumes Thanks be to God for your prayers, as Guinea has eased lockdown. Now our members are able to return to church and worship God. WorÂship centers and public gathering places were shut down due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Thanks be to God things are now gradually returning to normal. We are also grateful to God for your prayers, as none of our members caught COVID-19 and no life was lost. Indeed, God has promised us that He will be our Shield and Banner.
All of our church leaders from across the country will be arriving in Monrovia for our Annual Ministers’ Training Conference scheduled for November 18-22. Please keep us in your prayers for the success of the program. This is one of the two major conferences we host every year. This year due to COVID-19, our Anniversary was canÂcelled. But thanks to God that we are able to convene this conference for our ministers and church leaders, as it serves as a source of impartation and preparation for next year’s Anniversary. We covet your prayers.