This month, through the grace of the Almighty God, we celebrated our church “Original Free Will Baptist International Liberia” National Women Conference. Women delegates from across Liberia participated in the conference. The conference was organized and led by Mrs. Lurece Gnininte, wife of the Reverend Darlington Gnininte, who is also serving as the National Women President. This was the second annual woman’s conference, with the first launched last year. This year’s event took place at the Prince of Peace Original Free Will Baptist Church of Liberia in Tiayee, Nimba County, Northeast Liberia.
The conference was made up of marching, sports activities, revival and prayer services, and a leadership seminar. New national, regional, and local leaders were installed into office to steer the affairs of the Woman’s Auxiliary nicknamed “The Zipporahs.” Some women were honored for their commitment, service, and dedication to the Original Free Will Baptist of Liberia in general, their districts, regions, and local assemblies.