Anneel Abrraham (India Field Supervisor)
We quickly made a short visit to one of our location schools. ( Uga) This is a tiny village between two states ( Maharashtra and Gujarat). This place has a decent amount of Christian community. But for obvious reasons, financially very poor. People here do odd jobs to earn money, otherwise they rely on nature for food and medicine. With the decreasing forest and increasing heat, it’s a huge struggle to survive each day.
We met Pastor Zipper Bhai in one of our pastor conferences. We heard his story as to how he started praying in this one room, gradually his family joined him and now he has around fifty people coming to Sunday church. It’s amazing! It’s unbelievable, not less than a miracle how God reaches out to people and does amazing things. People coming to his meetings were used to worship spirits and nature. Now these same people worship the living God!
We could not visit his church physically, but we were surely able to visit the school that we have started in the same room where brother Zipper Bhai conducts church and several prayer meetings. It’s so amazing how the Lord, still finds us worthy to serve Him by reaching out to His people. Normally people wouldn’t think anything of these people, given to their tribal status, very low living standards and the list goes on, but the love of Jesus for them and their love for Jesus is so heart warming!
Please remember the people of Uga and brother Zipper Bhai in your prayers as everyone is having a hard summer, small children and babies suffer the most.