Last year we helped the family of Shynne with an operation to correct a birth defect. The operation was a success, but she will have to be in a cast until December of this year. She is a brave and sweet little girl. When I vis-ited the Philippines in April, I made it a point to visit her. She was seated, as you can see, in a wooden chair. They had to tie her in to keep her from slipping out. After I had greeted her and talked with the family for awhile, I asked if she had a wheel chair, for I did not see one in the room. They said, “No, they could not afford one, with all the ex-tra expenses involved in her care.” This brought tears to my eyes. They told me they had to lift her to take her any-where. Her outings were very limited. She spent day after day sitting in that chair. My heart was broken.
I asked if there was a place nearby that sold wheelchairs. When they answered in the affirmative, I asked Bro. Segay to take me there and she would have a wheelchair in just a short while. The store had the perfect wheelchair for her. I wish you could have seen her and her family when we returned. Shynne thanked me over and over again. They put her in the wheelchair and rolled her outside. It was a joyful moment for her, but my joy was overflowing.
Thank you for giving to this ministry that allows us to help children
like Shynne around the world. God bless you.