The First Free Will Baptist Church, Balacan, Brooke’s Point, Palawan celebrated Family Day on December 16, 2017. It was
a whole day of celebration. This was held at the local covered gym because of the large number of members and visitors. We are so thankful for a place like this where we could meet, specially due to the rainy weather. Our program started with praise and worship lead by the youth worship team, followed by the dance presentations. The message from the Word of God was given by our loving Pastor, the Rev. Alvin R. Dagot. We were feed abundantly from his message. After the message we proceeded to “THE GAMES,” such as parlor games, Bible games, and ball games. It was very successful and enjoyable for everyone. We also awarded prizes for the winners. Then it was time for the feeding of the physical body. Everyone was happy to share a delicious lunch that was prepared by women from the church. We had an ice cream cart for the children, youth, and adults. This was a day filled with joy and excitement as we shared in worship, games, and food. God is so good!
Our church family also shared in a special day of Thanksgiving for all of God’s many blessings. The members showed their support financially and man power in preparing for this day. We were privileged to have the Rev. Marcos Taladro to share God’s Word. Everyone was blessed by his message. Pastor Alvin Dagot officiated a child dedication. Twelve children were offered to God. Then we had a blessing for a new car of one of the member. All that we have is from God. This was followed by the lunch fellowship. We thank God for His provision for this wonderful meal. We give back all the glory and thanksgiving to Him who sustained all our needs. Thank you, Lord, for the wonderful thanksgiving celebration.
As we celebrate the Birth of Jesus, we are reminded that He is the Reason for the Season. He is our Savior, without Him we are nothing. We were so happy to show our love for others through the giving of Christmas gifts to everyone. This was made possible through God’s provision. All things happened by the provision of the Lord here at Brooke’s Point.
Exodus 20:6 “And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.” He gives abundantly and has proven His power and promises for us. All the glory and thanksgiving are given to our precious heavenly Father.