We were so overwhelmed on our recent trip north. We had a chance to visit Bato FWB Church and participate in the District meeting and fellowship. We were so thankful to meet our inspiring pastors. They showed us how to keep going, even when experiencing pandemic. Seeing their smiles, hearing their greetings, and listening to their inspiring stories, made our hearts happy and proud. They are truly a living testimony that this pandemic could bring us closer to brethren, and this is a most valuable time for God’s people to be a light and a way closer to God. We were amazed with the firing desire of their hearts to be united. The unstoppable wisdom to stay connected with God and being brave with discipline to continue the Sunday services is really great, because we know that this is what God wants for us. They shared about their Bayanihan project (HELPING EACH OTHER) to build a church building in Barangay Pamantulo. Despite the pandemic and tight budget, they still have a desire to build an outreach. They are devoted and dedicated to continue serving God.

We all have been experiencing the pandemic for a long time and we thought that it would affect the ministries of our pastors and members in the North District, but it was the other way around. This pandemic caused our North District pastors to work harder. They gathered people more than enough to build a new outreach church in Barangay Pamantulon, under Pastor Jardin’s supervision and with the support of North District pastors. They gathered money from pledges for the roof, and pastors themselves as carpenters to start building the church. They scheduled “Bayanihan” (Helping Each Other) as soon as possible. It was so inspiring to see them working together. We met some of the people who travel every Sunday and take musical instruments to the unfinished building to have Sunday service. Please pray for them to continue being strong and motivated to finish building this church to have a comfortable service every Sunday and invite more unbelievers.
By Gladys A. Taladro