Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, A terrible accident happened on August 17, 2020 in the village of Belgun, Kavarna Regio. Some drivers were racing in the village and hit four people ( a mother with three children and a man that happened to be on the street). One of the our children, Oleg, died instantly with his mother and his one year old little sister. His younger brother Mergan survived the accident but he is in a coma. Please pray for Mergan. Two years ago his father died. Now his entire family is dead. May the Lord heal him.
At the end of December Mergan was released from the hospital. All surgeries were successful but he is still not able to walk. However, he can sit and eat by himself. His aunt came from Germany and takes care of him in her home in Balchik. His speech is improving every week. When I visited him after the hospital, he was silent and not talking. The pain killers made him drowsy. After some days I visited him again and he was doing much better! He got a Christmas pack and a Bible. He was so happy! Please continue to pray for him so that he is healed completely in body and spirit. May the Lord bless you and keep you in His love and care.