To God be the glory! For guiding and protecting us for this victorious event in our 2 days mini-camp for Youth-Juniors Mini–Camp held at Abo–Abo FFWBC with the theme “Christ Squad Game”. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain” (1 Corinthians 9:24.) This event was attended by 22 Youth-Juniors, 10 Youth, and supported by our Pastor, Freedom G. Amenin and the adults. The first morning was allotted for arrival, registration, resenting rules, regulations, and restrictions.
They were divided into two teams: 1. The Fish Fighter and 2. The Heart squad. Everyone was given time to practice their presentation in the evening, along with the choral reading and comical skit. The afternoon program started with prayer by Youth–Junior, Bro. Jefferson M. Punla, followed by the Praise and Worship led by Sister Lei Ann C. Gumbisan. The message delivered by Sister Annabelle M. Punla was entitled “Run to Win”. We are running in a spiritual race with God, not in a marathon where only one will be called the winner, but in the Christian race those who stay faithful as a servant of God, will be recognized as His children, and will be with Him forever. Those who live for Christ, as we walk the narrow way, will end in the paradise but those who live by the world’s standards will end up in punishment. This challenged every Youth–Junior to take the path leading to the Lord. For the evening program, presiders were Sister Annabelle M. Punl, and Brother Jhon Nover D. Ustares. We started in prayer by Brother Herminio N. Bustamante, and the Praise and Worship was led by Sister Anna Reze S. Castillo. The highlight of this event was the message of God delivered by Pas tor Amenin. He reminded everyone to “Run the race with God.” Like an athlete we have to discipline ourselves, be teachable, keep growing, and keep going for God’s plan and ministry for everyone. Then we proceeded with the presentations of each team for their choral reading and comical skit. The judges were Sister Jane Margaret D. Sano, Pastor Freedom G. Amenin, and Sister Maureen C. Gumbisan. This was followed by the awarding of certificates of apprecia tion for the judges. The closing prayer was by Brother Hener John N. Bustamante.
Day 2 started with a devotion entitled “Focus on the Finish Line”, given by Sister Ustres. She pointed out that on our Christian race we may encounter hard ships, trials, disappointments, but always look to God. His grace is limitless. An open forum was held for those who desired to sharer what they had learned. Then, to energize everyone, an exercise time was lead by the Youth Squad Masters and Faith Counselors. Many games were played, even playing ball under the heat of the sun and doing their best for God’s glory and hoping to win. These games were enjoyed by everyone. At last, the prayer retreat, lead by Pastor Freedom G. Amenin. His desire was to motivate everyone to seek growth, set goals, and focus on the finish line.
We were reminded to always remember to focus on God in running towards the reward. We were also blessed by the overwhelming support of all the parents for giving permission for their child/children and for the adults who assisted in food preparation, Sister Dylene D. Amenin and Sister Janet D. Sano. Once again, all glory belongs to the Lord for the success of Youth–Juniors Mini Camp 2021. We are thankful for His protection, love and grace for everyone.