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Short-Term Missions to Mexico 2016

We are planning to take two Short Term Mission Teams to Mexico in July 2016. The teams will consist of no more than 22 people per team. The dates are July 9-16 and July 16-23. If you are interested in joining one of these teams, contact us via email at or call Harold or […]

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The house of prayer dedication – Balchik, Bulgaria

I am pleased to report that The House of Prayer in Balchik, Bulgaria, which was Willem’s dream, has been dedicated to the service of the Lord. We praise the Lord for this wonderful blessing! I am sorry that Willem was not able to experience this joyful day. (Lydia was in attendance, but due to Alzheimer’s […]

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This was an exciting and productive summer for our Short-Term Ministry. We only spent one week in Mexico, but we had a great team and were able to accomplish the goals that were set for the week. The team traveled to San Antonio, Texas on July 11, where we met them with the vans. After […]

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A Special Trip – Philippines

On April 6, 2015, Fred and Linda Baker, Sandra and I, boarded an airplane at RDU for a trip to the Philippines. Fred and Linda had not visited there since 1996, and the people were eager to see them again. I asked Fred about the trip at the Convention in 2014 and he said his […]

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Vacation Bible School 2015

For the past two years, we have asked the Vacation Bible Schools across our denomination to give their weekly offerings to help support Caleb’s Dollar Ministry, to feed the children in our schools in other countries. For many of the children, it is the only meal they receive each day. We know how other projects […]

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Annual Convention Mission Rally MAY 20, 2015

Importance of Mission Rally Offering for Foreign Missions The Annual Convention Mission Rally will be May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in College Hall at the University of Mount Olive. We hope you will make every effort to attend. Your special gift at this rally will enable the Board of Foreign Missions to continue reaching around […]

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Liberia & Guinea

By Rev. Darlington Gnininte We are thankful to God for the month of March, for His continuous blessings upon our lives, most especially for His divine protection. It has been estimated that more than 4,000 people lost their lives in Liberia alone to Ebola, most of whom were our friends, neighbors, and other community members. […]

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Getting the word out

The production of the Telethon material begins with an idea for a theme the year before the next Telethon. After I settle on a theme, the bulletins, inserts, and posters, have to be thought through and written. Sandra works hard on selecting the pictures to be used. After this, she enters all the information into […]

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Balchik, Bulgaria

THANK YOU! “For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God” -2 Corinthians 4:15. Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord, With thanksgiving and prayers, we always think about you. It is because of your concern for those living in difficult […]

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Annual Telethon March 22, 2015

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