Please download these important images to use in your bulletins or video presentations. Click Here for a Promotional Video Click HERE for Downloadable Images

Please download these important images to use in your bulletins or video presentations. Click Here for a Promotional Video Click HERE for Downloadable Images
This month, through the grace of the Almighty God, we celebrated our church “Original Free Will Baptist International Liberia” National Women Conference. Women delegates from across Liberia participated in the conference. The conference was organized and led by Mrs. Lurece Gnininte, wife of the Reverend Darlington Gnininte, who is also serving as the National Women […]
INTERCHURCH BASKETBALL LEAGUE Sports and recreation ministries expand opportunities for our congregation to connect with each other and the community. Living a God-centered life can involve a little sweat, fun, and competition. Any church or cluster of congregations can consider starting an exercise for physical fitness, developing a sports league, and evangelism serving as a […]
What a great blessing for the First Free Will Baptist Church in Abo-Abo, together with the members and The Reverend Freedom G. Amenin, who officiated the dedication of the children of Mr. Mark Cedie L. Bitao and Mrs. Anne A. Bitao. They dedicated their children, Zyd Jurgen and Zabria, as they celebrated the first birthday […]
Youth Fellowship and Awarding Ceremony By Pastor Arnel PañaresNational Youth Director Investing in today’s youth is necessary in growing the body of Christ. Teaching young people in the church to grow in their relationship with the Lord prepares them to serve Christ in all they do. As a result, this nurtures the congregation and allows […]
WE NEED YOUR HELP Caleb’s Dollar Ministry must be an on-going ministry. It provides for over 1,400 children in our schools in Liberia, and others in Guinea. The funds are very low at this time. We, therefore, sincerely encourage you to designate your Vacation Bible School offerings each year to support Caleb’s Dollar Ministry. Hunger […]