God’s Faithfulness
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, I greet you in the Name of Our Only Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I want to inform you that the Original Free Will Baptist Church in Mexico is moving forward. We are grateful to God because He gives us the grace to continue being part of His Church. On May 23, I visited the El Buen Pastor ( Good Shepherd) FBW Church, in the city of Sabinas, Reverend Christobal Vazques, the pastor, has had a very difficult year with his health. He has had health complications, derived from diabetes that he has suffered with for years. god is good, and He continues to show His grace for His work. while I was there we celebrated the Baptism Ordinance with three young people, who accepted the Lord Jesus several months ago. We are very happy because they are three blessed young people ( Psalm 1: 1) Without a doubt, the congregation from El Buen Pastor FWB Church is also extremely grateful to God because He has confirmed that despite the circumstances surrounding us, our work in God is not in vain ( 1 Corinthians 15:58)
After the Worship Service in Sabinas, We traveled to the City of Monelova. We visited Brother Juan Montoya, who is the Pastor of the Aposento Alto ( Upper Room) FWB Church. Brother Juan and his wife, Sister Ricarda, have ministered in this city for many years. a few months ago, they suffered the death of one of their daughters, Sister Rosario. God has been their strength and has strengthened them through this difficult time. Only God knows the great grief that our brother and sister are experiencing. We ask for you prayers, for our God to give them the perfect consolation in Christ Jesus. God is good, and although we experience difficult situations and circumstances in life, God is still in charge and never changes. Good is our God!