Your gifts, calls, and prayers on Telethon Sunday bring focus and power to the urgency of the world missions. 2020 Goal: $225,000 in gifts on Telethon Sunday. Pray daily for this goal. Call in your special offering between 1:30 pm and 5:00 pm. Call 252-746-4963 Day of Prayer for revival and world missions is March […]
Liberia, West Africa

FIVE -DAY REVIAL AND PRAYER SERVICE We give God Almighty the glory for His continuous blessings and grace upon us and the Original Free Will Baptist Mission work around the world. We are grateful to brothers and sisters in the United States who continue to pray and support us. The testimonies of 2019 would not […]
Balchik, Bulgaria
Christmas Offering

Jesus sent His disciples out into the world to proclaim the Gospel Message of His loving sacrifice for our salvation (John3:16). Jesus gave Himself so we could have life eternal. This Christmas please make your Christmas giving a time of thanksgiving as you share so others can experience the same joy and liberation that you […]

CEBU DISTRICT YOUTH JAM Cebu, Philippines It was a perfect day to conduct our Youth Jam and welcome newly confirmed Christians to the circle of youth. We thought that it was going to be a rainy Sunday because of the weather, but were blessed because by the time we arrived at Naga Free Will Baptist […]

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, Our dear Lord has been blessing us richly this past summer. As Apostle Paul says, we should sow generously, to reap generously. As it often happens, one generation sows and another one reaps, yet we pray that all our labour and efforts, are for the Kingdom of God to […]
Abo-Abo, Palawan, Philippines

OUR DREAM FOR WATER SUPPLY It is a great blessing for our local church to have running water here at Abo-Abo Free Will Baptist Church, as well as the parsonage. We are very grateful to God for providing such a blessing. We would like to thank our brothers and sisters in Christ for providing the funds […]
Palawan, Philippines

On September 27, 2019 we traveled to the Elian Marilog District, Davao City to worship and encourage our brethren. (This work is among a very special Tribal Group.) The Theme was “Give Thanks To The Lord, For He Is Good.” (Psalm 107:1) The Reverend F. Abellana was the speaker. He delivered a very inspiring and […]