OFWB International Blog

Mission Service RALLY

The Annual Convention of Original Free Will Baptists is just a few days away. The Morning Worship Service at the Convention will serve as the Annual Mission Rally. Sandra and I will share about our years with Foreign Missions during the service. I am not sure there will be another Mission Rally at the Convention, […]

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Balchik, Bulgaria

A Very Present Help “The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart: the commandmentof the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes” Psalm 19:8. How are you feeling? What do you need emotionally, spiritually, and physically? Who is in charge? Whom can we trust? Who can help us? I ask these questions to people […]

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Telethon Sunday 3.27.22

THEME: “ONLY ONE WAY”THEME VERSE: “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12) Dear Faithful Supporters,Telethon 2022 takes on a double meaning. We need funds to continue supporting our workers in India, Liberia, Guinea, Bulgaria, Haiti, Mexico, and […]

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Prayer Meeting Mentoring Sessions – Philippines

President Roxas, Philippines Every Friday from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. the members of the OFWB Church President Roxas attend the mentoring session and prayer meeting. These sessions are conducted by Pastor Djeck Elton Numos and his wife, Mary Ann. During the sessions, the members are encouraged to participate and share their insights with regards to […]

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Abo-Abo FFWBC Mini-Camp, Palawan, Philippines

To God be the glory! For guiding and protecting us for this victorious event in our 2 days mini-camp for Youth-Juniors Mini–Camp held at Abo–Abo FFWBC with the theme “Christ Squad Game”. “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth  the prize? So run, that ye may obtain” (1 […]

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Joy, Tragedy & God’s Protection

On the afternoon of January 10, 2022, Sandra and I began our journey to deliver a 15 passenger van that Stancil’s Chapel FWB Church gave for one of our churches in Mexico. On our way, we visited our dear friends, David and Hallie Still. They are members of Zion FWB Church of the Paul Palmer […]

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Powerful typhoon hits the Philippines

Powerful Typhoon Odette (Rai) hit the Philippines leaving widespread devastation. The storm hit several heavily populated areas, and many small towns and villages. We have only heard from the Cebu area, and are very anxious to hear from others. We have many churches and homes of pastors and members that were heavily damaged or destroyed. […]

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Palawan, Philippines

PASTOR APPRECIATION CELEBRATIONAbo-Abo First Free Will Baptist Church To God be the glory for the success of “Arts Day” and Pastor Apprecia-tion held at Abo-Abo First Free Will Baptist Church on October 30, 2021 from 2:30—5:00 p.m. There were 10 youth juniors and 7 youth in at-tendance. It was started by opening prayer by Rev. […]

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Tontunan, Bohol, Philippines

Proclaiming in Obedience – By Pastor Jezreel Degamo Glory and honor belongs to God. On July 8, 2021 at 9 a.m., 11 precious souls outwardly expressed what God has done in their hearts and lives in the presence of other believers. They were baptized as an act of obedience and an outward symbol that represents […]

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A child shall lead them- Mexico

By Rev. Everardo Martinez On August 29, 2021, part of the Original Free Will Baptist Churches in Mexico celebrated the Ordinance of Baptism. When I say “part of the church”, it is because unfortunately, in our State, there are still many restrictions on activities where more than 100 people meet. All of these restrictions continue […]

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